I was overweight with a recent diagnosis of Non Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease and was told that the only way to get rid of it was surgery. A friend of mine had recently lost a dramatic amount of weigh in a fairly short period of time and thinking the term “fatty” I thought that weight loss would help, if nothing else, help me feel better. I asked her how she was able to lose so much weight and she answered Ideal Protein.
I started Phase 1 in late January and started shedding weight quickly and managed to shed 131 pounds in 8 months. I have now been in Phase 4 Maintenance for two months and through making healthier choices and faithfully attending all my maintenance appointments I have managed to maintain my weight.
Since entering Phase4 I have been seen various medical professionals and I have been given the good news that the extreme sleep apnea that I had suffered with is no longer an issue. The asthma medication I took on a daily basis is no longer required and just the other day I was told that the Non Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease is now gone!
The Ideal Protein method of weight loss, in my opinion, has changed my life and my health.
Today is an incredible day for me, as I have reached my body fat percentage goal. I’m in the GREEN!! I have struggled with my weight for over 10+ years and many times of I have lost 10-15 pounds (and gained it back), but never in all my life have I managed to achieve such a dramatic weight loss of 40 pounds!
When I walked into the Ideal Protein Clinic 6 months ago for my first consultation with Carol, I remember how ready I was to get the weight off. As Carol put it, “I was engaged”! I walked way from that consultation feeling an overwhelming relief that this was going to work for me! I started to visualize what my new transformation would look like and I can tell you, it’s even better than I imagined!
I have a new appreciation for meal planning and how important it is to plan ahead to keep on track. I also find that I do not eat emotionally like I used to. Going to the weekly weigh-in appointments kept me accountable and helped me stay on track. Every week I had results, which kept me motivated even more! This was working! Of course, I did my due diligence by sticking to the meal plan. I didn’t cheat and I stayed focused. I had a goal and I was bound and determined to get there.
Before I started this journey, I tried to be happy on the outside but on the inside I was miserable. I realize now, how much the weight was bringing my spirit down. Today, I walk with a spring in my step and have a constant smile on my face. I feel amazing thanks to Ideal Protein and the wonderful coaching staff. I enjoyed my weekly weigh-ins and catching up with everyone. Thank you all for your amazing support and guidance.
This is an amazing program and it truly works. To be healthy and happy is a priceless feeling. As the saying goes, “Nothing tastes better than how healthy/thin feels”
The Ideal Protein diet was successful for me because the diet lost 93 pounds. I now really watch what I eat and pay attention to ingredients and nutritional value of food. My advise to anyone considering doing the program would be to stay 100% committed. It is not always easy but the weekly results are amazing. Since my transformation I look forward to being active and being able now to engage in activities with my family. I am enjoying my overall better quality of life.
Thanks to my coaches Carol and Stephanie. They kept me motivated, encouraged and on track with the weekly visits and this was a huge factor to my success.
The ideal Protein program taught me how to feed my body properly and the science behind weight loss. I realized that the inflammation in my body from a lifestyle of yo yo dieting and a high carb and high sugar diet was truly making me sick. I had tried everything and done pretty much every diet on earth and always gained it back or felt deprived. I was approaching fifty and was feeling ugly, fat, achy and downright unhealthy. So much so I went to my doctor and got her to test me as I was sure I had a serious illness.
The first week was very hard but once I was in ketosis I could literally feel the weight melting off and started to feel so much better physically. In fact I felt so much better than I had in a long time, I had lots of energy, all my aches and pains started to subside and the weight and inch loss each week just kept me motivated to stick to it.
After 4 weeks I went back to my doctor for my test results only to be told all I needed was some B-12 and more protein otherwise I was healthy in which I told my doctor about my new plan and how pretty much all my chronic pain had subsided. She was thrilled and told me to stick to it then.
I lost 52lbs on the Ideal Protein Plan and weigh less than I ever remember.
My Diet has changed so much for the better and I eat daily to feel healthy and not to numb myself with feel good food for a temporary fix. When I have fallen off track into old patterns I felt so crappy and achy again I just want the good feeling back. I know now it doesn’t have to be all or nothing and if I slip I just have to get back on track.
I would truly recommend anyone to try it and let all you thought you knew about dieting and losing weight go and just trust the process. If you follow the plan it works and you will feel amazing. Think of it as an investment in your future and don’t worry about the cost , it’s so worth it.
The effect on my future is this new found healthy feeling and lifestyle will help me to live longer be stronger and never allow myself to fall so low again. I know I will slip but I have the tools and determination to carry on when I do.
The Support and encouragement I got from my coach each week the emails and the continued education and the overall program helped me stay on track each week.
Thanks Carol Costa for introducing me to this and helping me change my life when I so truly needed it.
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